Uluslararası Psikanaliz Yıllığı
The Turkish Annual of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis was launched in 2009, with the encouragement of Jean-Michel Quinodoz, the Editor-in-Chief of the European Annuals at the time. The editorial board of the Turkish Annual is composed of analysts and candidates from Psike Istanbul Psychoanalytic Society, an IPA component society. Each issue is comprised of 10-12 articles chosen from the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP). The articles to be translated are selected by the editorial board members who are also responsible for translation.
Selection and Translation of Articles
The criteria for selection is primarily based on the “desire of the translator” to translate a specific article. After selection of all articles, a theme which runs through all or most of the articles is established and the issue is titled based on that specific theme. An example for this would be the 2016 issue entitled: “The Death Drive”. It is worth noting that the desire to translate a specific article is determined not only by personal preference and theoretical tendencies but also by the psychoanalytical and socio-political conditions of our country. We find that having articles written by different authors on the same topic enables the readers to reflect more deeply on that specific theme. In some issues, by including articles on a previously published theme, readers continue elaborating on that theme. In addition, including different articles by the same theoretician in different issues makes it possible for the reader to follow the author’s development of thought. The needs of the candidates who are in formal psychoanalytic training is another criterion which guides us in our selection of authors or themes. Compatible with the format of the IJP, in each issue, we include articles which reflect different sections of the IJP; such as the Education section, Controversial Discussions, The Analyst at Work, Letter to the Editor as well as articles which pertain to applied psychoanalysis.
The Turkish Annual mostly attracts the attention of readers who belong to mental health professions with an interest in psychoanalysis, and some who are in the social sciences.
Psychoanalysis in Turkey and the Turkish Annual
The emergence of psychoanalytic theory and practice in Turkey dates from the end of the 1990s. Previous attempts to introduce psychoanalytic thought had been short-lived individual initiatives. Psychoanalysis had initially been introduced into Turkish cultural life through translations. Translation of a few texts by Freud in the 1930’s remained sporadic examples. In the years following the 1980 military coup, publishing activities in the fields of social sciences and psychology increased, perhaps as a reaction to the political silencing imposed on society. From those years onwards, basic texts of psychoanalysis have been translated into Turkish, but as expected the texts appealing to the curiosity of researchers and intellectuals interested in human sciences prevailed over the ones intended for clinicians. Thus, it may be said that psychoanalytic texts in Turkey at that time were translated with the intention of getting closer to Western thought, rather than representing the psychoanalytic cure itself. Since psychoanalysis was not practiced at the time, the impact of these texts in integrating psychoanalysis into the actual culture of the country remained limited.
The transmission of psychoanalytic theory and practice has occurred only in 1990s. Psychoanalysts who had been trained abroad, and those who had gone through individual psychoanalysis with them in Turkey or those who had initiated an informal training in institutions abroad, have created an increasingly powerful psychoanalytic environment during these years. This psychoanalytic environment was institutionalized in 2004 by two Study Groups that launched the formal psychoanalytic training under the auspices of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). These two groups (Psike Istanbul Psychoanalytic Association and Istanbul Psychoanalytical Society) which now have the status of IPA Component Societies continue the transmission of theoretical and clinical psychoanalytic knowledge.
Today, the Turkish Annual plays a definitive role both in the transmission of psychoanalytic thinking and in the establishment of productive links with contemporary psychoanalysis in Turkey. Since 2009, nearly a hundred articles have been translated into Turkish for the Annual issues. These articles are among the references in the formal psychoanalytic training of candidates and constitute the basis for some of the original contributions of the Turkish psychoanalysts. The Annual brings local psychoanalysts into contact with the current psychoanalytic issues and considerations discussed in various parts of the world. The fact that these texts are translated by analysts and candidates contributes to maintaining a vivid environment in which psychoanalytic concepts are being discussed throughout the year. Feedback from colleagues who have read those articles and used them in seminars or in their own papers nurture the flourishing psychoanalytic culture in Turkey.
Current Issue
Uluslararası Psikanaliz Yıllığı 2022 “Travma” başlığını taşıyor. Etkileri dünya genelinde hâlâ hissedilen pandemi sürecinde hazırlanan yıllığın bu 14. sayısı, “Toplumsal Acı/Toplumsalın Acısı” konusuna odaklanan geçen sayıyla süreklilik içinde tasarlandı. Seçki, psikanalitik kuramda “travma” kavramını inceleyen ve farklı kuramlaştırmaların klinikle ilişkisini ele alan makaleleri ve pandemi sürecinde değişen psikanaliz çerçevesinin aktarım-karşıaktarım dinamikleri üzerindeki etkisini çocuk, ergen ve yetişkin vaka örnekleri üzerinden tartışan çağdaş yazıları içeriyor. Seçkide ayrıca Thomas Ogden, Giuseppe Civitarese ve Catherine Chabert gibi çağdaş psikanalistlerin sırasıyla Winnicott, Bion ve D. Anzieu gibi usta psikanalistlerin seçili makaleleri üzerine yeniden okumaları da yer alıyor.
Psikanaliz alanının bugün dünya çapında en köklü ve en kapsamlı hakemli bilimsel dergisi olan The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP) 1920’de Sigmund Freud’un teşvikiyle Ernest Jones tarafından kuruldu. IJP’nin geçmiş bir yıl içinde çıkmış makalelerinden derlenen Uluslararası Psikanaliz Yıllığı, uluslararası psikanaliz camiasında yürütülen güncel tartışmaları, çağdaş klinik deneyimi, kuramsal ve teknik birikimi okurlara Türkçe olarak ulaştırmayı amaçlıyor. Uluslararası Psikanaliz Yıllığı, psikanalist Melis Tanık Sivri editörlüğünde, Psike İstanbul üyesi psikanalistlerden oluşan yayın kurulu tarafından hazırlanıyor.
2022 sayısının yazarları
Heinz Weiss, Bernard Chervet, Jan Abram, Howard B. Levine, Rosine Jozef Perelberg, Monica Bomba, Julia-Flore Alibert, Johanna Velt, Thomas H. Ogden, Gıuseppe Civitarese, Catherine Chabert
Sunuş’u okumak için tıklayın. (Click here to read the Editorial of the Turkish Annual of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.)
Uluslararası Psikanaliz Yıllığı, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları “Psike İstanbul Psikanaliz Kitaplığı Dizisi”nden yayımlanmaktadır.
Seyda Postaci
Editorial Board
Melis Tanık Sivri, Aslı Day (Yardımcı Editör), Şeyda Postacı (Yardımcı Editör), Nilüfer Erdem, Bella Habip, Aslı Kuruoğlu, Nilgün Taşkıntuna